Finding the perfect "niche"

Finding the perfect "niche"

As a first time blogger, I read a bunch of how to tutorials and of course blogs on how to approach the world of blogging. What I found ironically or serendipitously was all the advice pointed me to finding the right "niche" to focus my content on that couldn't easily be found elsewhere. The advice said to pick a niche that has a significant amount of depth, along with rich and unique topics that allow for a long series of blogs. After some consideration of going in different directions with this I realized since I'm in the business of designing and building custom niches literally, why not stay with what I know and help others to find their perfect "niche". 

So what about you? Have you found that custom "niche" for your home or business? There are so many choices out there. Simple four-sided recessed niches with various numbers of shelves to wall mount systems with a variety of shapes and sizes. No matter the choice these functional creations are visual works of art allowing us to displaying our mementos, treasures, and everyday essentials.

At Hammer And Nail Studios, our journey into the design and craftsmanship of storage niches came from the necessity of remodeling and upgrading for several older homes ranging from the early 1900's to 1960's with both architectural structure and design limitations. We soon realized cutting into the wall and customizing recessed units were the way to go. Years later, we decided to design and build these custom niches for those of you out there that may be remodeling your own spaces, hiring out for someone to upgrade your layout, or working with an open wall ready for customization. Whatever your level of expertise, my advice is don't be afraid to cut into the wall to achieve the look you most desire. 

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